Wednesday, February 7, 2007


The last couple of days, the weather has been almost like Florida weather. The only difference is that the air is dry, and there's snow everywhere. Muddy snow I might add. Here are some pictures from a park that we drove by yesterday:
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Today it's a little more colder. Hopefully there will be more snow soon, even though everyone is hoping for the warm weather. And yes, i will try to bring back some snow.

Oh yeah, here's a picture of my car.

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It's not fancy, but it's a car.


Nick said...

That car is hot.

APS Jimmy!!! said...

And it's got a sunroof!!!! Just don't bring back any yellow snow.....

Am I Right? said...

thats awesome!! i havent seen snow in a while..
i like the car.

Danny Osborne said...

Do you get to slide the car around corners in the snow? And since its Front-Wheel-Drive, do you put platic trays from the food court under the back tires and do donuts at the mall parking lot??

I knew it!

Sculptus Poe said...

I havent seen snow at all. I think it's a grand conspiracy to make me believe fluffy ice falls from the sky.

Well, I'm not falling for it, so there.

It was all done with mirrors.