Friday, February 23, 2007


It's past midnight, I' tired, but I can't sleep...I leave in about 13 hours to the airport, and I'm not even closed to being packed. In this 13 hours I have to finish packing, go see the people that need to be seen, and go to the places that need to be visited. So stressful.
Last night we almost had a break in, which completely freaked all of us out, except my grandma because she slept through the entire thing. We even had the cops here. And a window was busted a few house down. But was exciting.

I am sad to report though that I can't bring any snow back with me. Sadly, the snow all melted so there really isn't any to take back, and besides I don't think they would have let me bring it on the plane.

I have pictures that I will try to get up, but because all my computers hate me, they won't let me upload any of the pictures unless I want to wait four hours... so yeah, i think I should pack now. Goodnight.


Danny Osborne said...

Wow, so some guy was trying to break down a door or window or something? crazy. At least it was 'almost'. See you when you get back!

APS Jimmy!!! said...

Argghh...I dunno if you wanted to do something when you get back but I'm gonna be working anyway boo...I'm gonna get you hey Steve, if it's the last thing I doooooo!!!!! Okay wells, see you on Sunday thens!

Am I Right? said...

yeaaaa... your coming back.
see u tonight or tomorrow!

Sculptus Poe said...

You're probably back, so ..welcome back... It didn't snow here the whole time you were gone.

No, really, it didn't.