Monday, February 5, 2007

Denver...Day 1

I am extremely surprised by that fact of running on a half an hour of sleep, how awake I am. The Superbowl was awesome, just because the Colts won(!) and everyone was going for the Bears. So in your face losers! Ha ha, just kidding. Anyway, after I left the party i went straight home, and packed. Went to bed at 1:45 a.m. and woke up at 2:15 a.m. so you can do the math. The first flight to Charlotte, NC, was dark and boring. Everybody was sleeping except me; and by the time I did fall asleep, three minutes later, we had to land. And what made it worse is that I had to use the bathroom which is located at the back of the plane, but because there was a creepy guy sitting right next to them I decided to wait.
When we arrived in Charlotte, I found JAMBA JUICE, which is only the best smoothie place ever! Unfortunately, we weren't allowed to take drinks on the plane, so I had to get rid of sad. On the way to Denver, we had these three jerks sitting in front of us, who decided to recline their seats back pretty far back, leaving us with no room what so ever. We landed in Denver at 10:30 a.m. mountain time, which was 12:30 p.m. eastern time.
I forgot how Denver actually looked. The entire city is tucked beneath a white blanket of snow. The snow that lined the roads, were muddy and not a pretty sight. And a cloud of brown smog hovered at the edge of all the mountains. The city is so industrialized. The entire place is brown, white, and muddy.
There is a good thing that came out of this...I got a car! And i actually have my own key to it. The problem is that I can't drive it, because I'm not allowed to drive in any other stae other than Florida. But it's pretty awesome. It's a 1987 Toyota Celica... i have apicture of it, but my grandma's computer is being retarded so I can't upload at this time. I need to take pictures. Even though there's really nothing to take pictures of. But 1 has been quite intersting.


Danny Osborne said...

Superbowl was awesome! Only 3 cool people in a room full of losers. :-P
Im so glad everyone gave us so much trash at the beginning, so we could give it back at the end. Anyhow, keep us updated and come back ASAP!

APS Jimmy!!! said...

Tru dat playa....Hahaha. Well, at least you had something to talk about on the way there. Otherwise it have been a really boring flight out there. Bring back some snow!

Arielle said...

There is tons of snow to bring back, I'm not sure if it will stay snow, but just remember that it originated as snow...if that makes any sense. i wish I could've seen the faces of everyone when the Col,ts won, I bet it was hilarious!

Sculptus Poe said...

Do you sit in your car and make vroom vroom noises?

Oscar said...

what kind of question is that!? of course she does, and she pretends that it's a stick and goes 0 to 60 in 3.61 seconds.

and arielle, you should have used the window, lol. anyways, miss you a lot, and when u come back you're going to chauffeur me around!

Arielle said...

Chelsea knows how I that was dumb, lol. but yeah I would to Chauffer Chelsea around, as long as there is a person the age of 21 or older in the front seat.