Saturday, July 7, 2007

The Camel Who Tried to Squeak.

I'm sorta, kinda, maybe bored. So I'm gonna write you a story, of what? I don't know, I'm just gonna make it up. Sorry if it sucks.

Once upon a time, there was a camel who lived in the zoo. He had a happy life, got fed everyday the finest camel food that a camel could eat. Groomed every morning so that he would look his best for the visitors. This camel's name is Regal. Regal had everything he could ever ask for, but only had one problem...Regal couldn't squeak.

It all started the day when the zoo got in a new shipment of toys for the gift shop. Cute little animal figurines that squeaked when you squeezed their sides (I'm not going to say where the squeak comes from, but I'm sure you'll figure it out). Anyways, Regal noticed that all the little kids who stopped by his pin, didn't pay attention to him, but to the squeak the toy made. This upset Regal because when people stopped by, he was that one getting all the attention, which he absolutely loved. Regal had to find a way to show up those horrible, attention stealer, toys.

Regal tried everything he could think of. He tried walking on his two front legs, but that wasn't to impressive for he was always landing on his face. He tried walking on his two back legs, but the elephant next door was already doing that. Spitting didn't work, who hasn't seen a spitting camel? He couldn't think of anything else, and then...the lightbulb came on. 'What if the kids saw a real animal squeak?' Regal thought.

As the zoo was closing, and all the animals were being tucked into bed, Regal started to practice his squeak. All night he stayed up not moving, trying to figure out a way to get himself to squeak.

At 9 a.m. the employees started to arrive. One employee walked by Regal's pin and took a second glance. He went up to the camel, and started to talk to him asking him what was wrong. Regal didn't understand, so pretended not to notice that this human was trying to communicate with him. At 10 a.m. Regal became excited, yet also nervous at the same time. This was the big day...the day he would squeak.

Regal noticed a field trip was going on, and thought that this would be the perfect opprotunity. He got in position and...

(use your imagination...did he squeak, or did his brilliant plan fail?)