Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Bleh's been a while. I know it's not, but Blogger does seem dead. I guess I should say that is barely living. But yea.

Today is Halloween...a big woopty doo on that. I have those annoying trick-or-treaters knocking at my door every 5 minutes. And I have the house dark so nobody will think anybody is home...but now it seems too dark, and is staring to become creepy. I'm also kinda bored. I can't really surf the internet because I never know what to look for, at, or about. So I go back to the same websites every 10 minutes.

I bought a new cd though! It's pretty good. It's Metro Station, and so far the songs are pretty good.

What has gone on in the past couple of months? I went to California for those who didn't know. Stayed an unexpected extra week. Which I didn't mind. Cali was amazing. If the smog was gone and the sky just a little cleaner it would be beyond gorgeous. The weather is far better also. Only one day while I was there...was it hot. But everyday I needed a sweater. The beaches were prettier but you couldn't go in the water without a wet suit other wise you would pretty much freeze. Santa Monica had to be my favorite place that I went. The boardwalk on the beach reminded me of the stereotypical California beach. There were carnival rides, and little stores. Then across the street from the beach was a huge outdoor mall that was three streets wides, and five streets long...I may be exaggerating just a tad...but only a tad. The plane rides there and back were long and sickening, and that's the only way I can describe them. Oh yea!! I almost forgot about Hollywood! We walked the 'Walk of Fame' which isn't that exciting, because you don't know half the people on there until you get to the Grauman's Theater which is where all the really big stars are. We went and saw the play "Wicked" at the Pantages theater...twice. Yes, it is that good! If you don't know what it's about, here it is:
Wicked is based off the story "The Wizard of Oz"
It's the untold story of the Wicked Witch of the West.
It explains why she was green, was she became evil, and her relationship w/ Glinda
It also explains how the Tin Man became the Tin Man
The Scarecrow, the scarecrow
and how the Cowardly lion so cowardly.
It is an awesome play.
If you like broadway plays/musicals
and like (or in my case) Love "The Wizard of Oz"
I recommend it...highly!
Nothing has really happened since I've been back which, from today is a whole feels like I've been back longer than that tho...hmm.
I went and saw the Bodies Exhibit at the Orlando Science center, and that was quite interesting. Even though I was made fun of the whole way there for not knowing that the bodies were real...and when I say real i mean REAL!! But I liked it. Learned the word "aorta" which is a fun word. haha. But yea...that's pretty much it.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Creaks and Cracks

It's midnight and I'm apparently on the computer while everyone else is sleeping. And I'm realizing how creepy my house is. It makes all these different sounds. CREEPY sounds

Thursday, August 2, 2007

3 a.m. Madness

So this is what happens at 3 a.m.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

The Camel Who Tried to Squeak.

I'm sorta, kinda, maybe bored. So I'm gonna write you a story, of what? I don't know, I'm just gonna make it up. Sorry if it sucks.

Once upon a time, there was a camel who lived in the zoo. He had a happy life, got fed everyday the finest camel food that a camel could eat. Groomed every morning so that he would look his best for the visitors. This camel's name is Regal. Regal had everything he could ever ask for, but only had one problem...Regal couldn't squeak.

It all started the day when the zoo got in a new shipment of toys for the gift shop. Cute little animal figurines that squeaked when you squeezed their sides (I'm not going to say where the squeak comes from, but I'm sure you'll figure it out). Anyways, Regal noticed that all the little kids who stopped by his pin, didn't pay attention to him, but to the squeak the toy made. This upset Regal because when people stopped by, he was that one getting all the attention, which he absolutely loved. Regal had to find a way to show up those horrible, attention stealer, toys.

Regal tried everything he could think of. He tried walking on his two front legs, but that wasn't to impressive for he was always landing on his face. He tried walking on his two back legs, but the elephant next door was already doing that. Spitting didn't work, who hasn't seen a spitting camel? He couldn't think of anything else, and then...the lightbulb came on. 'What if the kids saw a real animal squeak?' Regal thought.

As the zoo was closing, and all the animals were being tucked into bed, Regal started to practice his squeak. All night he stayed up not moving, trying to figure out a way to get himself to squeak.

At 9 a.m. the employees started to arrive. One employee walked by Regal's pin and took a second glance. He went up to the camel, and started to talk to him asking him what was wrong. Regal didn't understand, so pretended not to notice that this human was trying to communicate with him. At 10 a.m. Regal became excited, yet also nervous at the same time. This was the big day...the day he would squeak.

Regal noticed a field trip was going on, and thought that this would be the perfect opprotunity. He got in position and...

(use your imagination...did he squeak, or did his brilliant plan fail?)

Saturday, June 9, 2007

The Beach!

So yesterday we went to the beach...and I must say it was fun.
Katie, Danny, Chelsea, Cayden, Glen, Nick, Jimmy, Tony, Suheyris, Lesandra. Stephen, James, Bro. Madriaga, and Me.
(sorry if I mispelled anyone's name or forgot anyone)

But yea...
  • Me and pretty much everyone (except Chelsea lol) surfed...even Katie.
  • Watched the rocket launch
  • Played "chinese fire drill"
  • Got stuck in traffic
  • Went into a McDonalds that smelled like a school cafeteria, and was crowded
  • Walked to Subway
  • Me and Katie jammed out to everything on our iPods...especially Queen.
  • And didn't get home 'til 12:30

Suheyris, Chelsea, Danny, and Lays Potato Chips

Katie's glamour shot

Must I explain?

Katie's a Jail Bird. haha
"That's so corny it burns"

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Take On Me

Haha, I came across this video, and don't ask how I came across it, because I honestly have no idea. But there are tons more from this person. But' dumb


Sunday, May 13, 2007

A New Addition

It's so awesome because we finally got our pet. Her name is Sheila....She is a 2 month old Australian Sheperd. She is the cutest thing ever, and I get to brag about her! She's extremely hyper, but also loves to sleep, and sort of lazy.

But yeah...I'm happy.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Memoirs of ACA...

If you haven't already heard about the "Lost in Bithlo" movie, you just did. It's crazy.
Me, Chelsea, and Alysha had a camera and a load of hyperness which equals a masterpiece.
Check it out...

Sunday, April 1, 2007

What Gender Is a Computer?

A Spanish teacher was explaining to her class that in Spanish, unlike English, nouns are designated as either masculine or feminine.
"House" for instance, is feminine: "la casa.""Pencil," however, is masculine: "el lapiz."
A student asked, "What gender is 'computer'?"Instead of giving the answer, the teacher split the class into two groups, male and female, and asked them to decide for themselves whether "computer" should be a masculine or a feminine noun.

Each group was asked to give four reasons for its recommendation.The men's group decided that "computer" should definitely be of the feminine gender ("la computadora") because:

1. No one but their creator understands their internal logic;

2. The native language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else;

3. Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long term memory for possible later retrieval; and

4. As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending half your paycheck on accessories for it.

(THIS GETS BETTER!)The women's group, however, concluded that computers should be masculine ("el computador"), because:

1. In order to do anything with them, you have to turn them on;

2. They have a lot of data but still can't think for themselves;

3. They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they ARE the problem; and

4. As soon as you commit to one, you realize that if you had waited a little longer, you could have gotten a better model.

I think the women won!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


So here's the thing, I finally got the chance to upload all my photos from my camera onto my computer. I have a Picasa, but I haven't been able to upload all the photos yet, and there are like 237 or something like that. But yeah, anyway here are some from Denver and the assembly:
Ryanna not doing anything. Ha ha I'm just kidding, she was actually shoveling ice, but by the time I got the picture, she stopped.

Notice how much gas was. Sadly it went up 30 cents the next.

A picture of the snow.

Taken by: Ryanna

James, Danny, Jimmy, and Xavier


Jimmy pulling a 'Angelina'
I have more pictures but it's taking a long time, so I'll put them on Picasa. But as for now, you can enjoy these.

Friday, February 23, 2007


It's past midnight, I' tired, but I can't sleep...I leave in about 13 hours to the airport, and I'm not even closed to being packed. In this 13 hours I have to finish packing, go see the people that need to be seen, and go to the places that need to be visited. So stressful.
Last night we almost had a break in, which completely freaked all of us out, except my grandma because she slept through the entire thing. We even had the cops here. And a window was busted a few house down. But was exciting.

I am sad to report though that I can't bring any snow back with me. Sadly, the snow all melted so there really isn't any to take back, and besides I don't think they would have let me bring it on the plane.

I have pictures that I will try to get up, but because all my computers hate me, they won't let me upload any of the pictures unless I want to wait four hours... so yeah, i think I should pack now. Goodnight.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

MORE SNOW(and an almost broken toe.)!

I know the last post was all about snow, but that was old snow. Now there is new snow! It snowed all day. It's still snowing at this very moment. But it's awesome, it's the first time it snowed since I've been here. And I'm pretty stoked about it. Me and Ryanna have been outside all day. Oh, and I ran over Ryanna's toe with the car. But I promise it was completely on accident. Her toe happened to be under the tire when I started backing up. And at first I thought he was joking because she started laughing, but then she started complaining about how her toe was hurting, and how I really did run it over.
So yeah...Ryanna's toe is fine. :]

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


The last couple of days, the weather has been almost like Florida weather. The only difference is that the air is dry, and there's snow everywhere. Muddy snow I might add. Here are some pictures from a park that we drove by yesterday:
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Today it's a little more colder. Hopefully there will be more snow soon, even though everyone is hoping for the warm weather. And yes, i will try to bring back some snow.

Oh yeah, here's a picture of my car.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
It's not fancy, but it's a car.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Denver...Day 1

I am extremely surprised by that fact of running on a half an hour of sleep, how awake I am. The Superbowl was awesome, just because the Colts won(!) and everyone was going for the Bears. So in your face losers! Ha ha, just kidding. Anyway, after I left the party i went straight home, and packed. Went to bed at 1:45 a.m. and woke up at 2:15 a.m. so you can do the math. The first flight to Charlotte, NC, was dark and boring. Everybody was sleeping except me; and by the time I did fall asleep, three minutes later, we had to land. And what made it worse is that I had to use the bathroom which is located at the back of the plane, but because there was a creepy guy sitting right next to them I decided to wait.
When we arrived in Charlotte, I found JAMBA JUICE, which is only the best smoothie place ever! Unfortunately, we weren't allowed to take drinks on the plane, so I had to get rid of sad. On the way to Denver, we had these three jerks sitting in front of us, who decided to recline their seats back pretty far back, leaving us with no room what so ever. We landed in Denver at 10:30 a.m. mountain time, which was 12:30 p.m. eastern time.
I forgot how Denver actually looked. The entire city is tucked beneath a white blanket of snow. The snow that lined the roads, were muddy and not a pretty sight. And a cloud of brown smog hovered at the edge of all the mountains. The city is so industrialized. The entire place is brown, white, and muddy.
There is a good thing that came out of this...I got a car! And i actually have my own key to it. The problem is that I can't drive it, because I'm not allowed to drive in any other stae other than Florida. But it's pretty awesome. It's a 1987 Toyota Celica... i have apicture of it, but my grandma's computer is being retarded so I can't upload at this time. I need to take pictures. Even though there's really nothing to take pictures of. But 1 has been quite intersting.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Another "Woot, Woot!"

Haha, I'm starting to get the hang of this "blog thing". And Chelsea was the first one to comment on the entire thing. YAY!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


So I finally got a blog. A big "Woot, Woot" to that.